The Farm

At Drumphin Farm all our cows are registered with the society with the exception of a small number of commercial Aberdeen Angus cows of the larger type whose calves will not be retained in the herd. These cows will in due course be replaced with home bred pedigree heifers which conform to our breeding policy. 

A closed herd health policy has always been followed. The limited stock which have been introduced have been purchased direct from farms with closed high health status herds. Cattle are regularly tested and there have been no contagious disease issues in the herd.

The majority of the herd is spring calving with February and March being the busiest months. Approximately 25 cows are calved in the autumn mainly in October and November. Autumn calving has been started to enable the slower growing later born heifers to be bulled so as to calve at 30 months with the earlier born heifers calving at 24 months.  

What makes us special.

At Drumphin Farm we focus on the holistic nature of farming, from rearing our cattle in a sustainable and ethical way, to caring for the land, and the environment.

  • For the last 35 years the farming policy at Drumphin has sought to combine economic production of food with nature conservation and amenity.

    Over half the working area of the farm is in long term grass leys with the balance in cereal cropping to achieve crop rotation with healthy soils.

    Many woods have been planted to enhance the amenity of the farm and provide wildlife habitats. These woods were planted in the 1980’s and early 1990’s and are now well established habitats which cover approximately 10% of the farm area.

    Two ponds have also been formed to provide wildlife habitats and amenity features. Construction of a further pond is planned for 2023.

    There are also areas of rough grass and bog which provide habitat for ground nesting birds.

  • Drumphin is a just over 500 acre mixed farm situated 12 miles west of Perth on the A85. The land is of variable quality and includes fields best suited to rotational arable including grass breaks. As well as temporary grass leys for silage some fields convenient for the buildings are in permanent grass. The cereal cropping complements the cattle enterprise. Seasonal grazings in the local area also taken. 

  • Annual rainfall averages 40 inches which coupled with the soil types on the farm makes out-wintering cattle challenging. All cattle at Drumphin are therefore housed usually from November until April.

Get in touch.

If you are looking for Aberdeen Angus cows reared in the best, sustainable conditions in Scotland then get in touch with us using the below form, or give us a call.